February 6, 2024. Bristol, UK. DDC-I, a leading supplier of software and professional services for mission- and safety-critical applications, today announced that it will showcase its best-in-class Deos DO-178C multicore real-time operating system at the Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SSS’24). The symposium will be held in Bristol, UK from February 13-15 at the Bristol Royal Marriott Hotel.
The Safety-Critical Systems Symposium is for all of those in the field of systems safety, including engineers, managers, consultants, students, researchers, and regulators. It offers wide-ranging coverage of current safety topics with a focus on industrial experience, includes recent developments in the field, and covers all safety-related sectors including aerospace, defense, health, highways, marine, nuclear and rail.
SSS’24 extends across three days of live presentations, grouped into key themes of: Future Aviation, Assurance Cases, Future Rail, Safety of AI, New Thinking and Automotive and Autonomy.
“We are excited to be part of the Safety-Critical Systems Symposium and look forward to bringing avionics designers up to speed on the latest developments in our Deos DO-178C real-time operating system and multicore technology,” said Greg Rose, vice president of marketing and product management at DDC-I. “DDC-I has been a pioneer in mission- and safety-critical avionics software innovation for over 35 years, giving avionics developers low-risk, readily certifiable, easy-to-integrate RTOS platforms and tools that offer best-in-class real-time performance, determinism, modularity, reuse and interoperability.”
About Deos
Deos is a safety-critical embedded RTOS that employs patented cache partitioning, memory pools, and safe scheduling to deliver higher CPU utilization than any other certifiable safety-critical COTS RTOS on multi-core processors. First certified to DO-178 DAL A in 1998, Deos provides certified conformant FACE OSS Safety Base and Safety Extended Profiles that feature hard real-time response, time and space partitioning, with support for Rate Monotonic, ARINC-653 and POSIX interfaces.
SafeMC technology extends Deos’ advanced capabilities to multiple cores, enabling developers of safety-critical systems to achieve best in class multi-core performance without compromising safety critical task response and guaranteed execution time. SafeMC employs a bound multiprocessing (BMP) extension of the symmetric multiprocessing architecture (SMP), safe scheduling, and cache partitioning to minimize cross-core contention and interference patterns that affect the performance, safety criticality and certifiability of multi-core systems. These features enable avionics systems developers to address issues that could impact the safety, performance and integrity of a software airborne system as specified by the Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST).
About DDC-I, Inc.
DDC-I, Inc. is a global supplier of real-time operating systems, software development tools, custom software development services, and legacy software system modernization solutions, with a primary focus on mission- and safety-critical applications. DDC-I’s customer base is an impressive “who’s who” in the commercial, military, aerospace, and safety-critical industries. DDC-I offers safety-critical real-time operating systems, compilers, integrated development environments and run-time systems for C, C++, and Ada application development. For more information regarding DDC-I products, contact DDC-I at 4545 E. Shea Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85028; phone (602) 275-7172; fax (602) 252-6054; e-mail sales@ddci.com or visit https://www.ddci.com/.