Atlanta, GA – November 14, 2023. DDC-I a leading supplier of software and professional services for mission and safety-critical applications, today announced that it will present technical papers as well as exhibit at the Aerospace Tech Week Americas show, which will be held on November 14-15, at the JW Marriott Buckhead in Atlanta, GA.

DDC-I’s Gary Gilliland will present two papers. The first paper in the Avionics Track, is titled Safety Critical Multicore for Complex Avionics. This paper highlights the features needed to support a high degree of integration and reuse in avionics systems. The second paper in the Testing Track, is titled Security in Avionics Systems. This paper addresses the architectural foundation of Deos and how these strategies can be integrated with cryptography provided by WolfSSL to provide the secure capability required by todays avionics manufactures.  Gary is also the chair for the Leveraging Commercial Technology for Defense Applications session.

DDC-I’s exhibit (Booth C12) features 2 demonstrations

  • The Deos RTOS integration with CoreAVI and Ensco Idata HMI graphics package on an NXP i.MX8qm processor
  • The Deos RTOS integration with CoreAVI and Ansys SCADE and CDS graphics package

“DDC-I is at the forefront of the avionics industry, having been a leading provider of mission- and safety-critical software for over 35 years,” said Greg Rose, vice president of marketing at DDC-I. “We look forward to various levels of technical conference participation as well as providing product demonstrations of our world class safety-critical platform in the exhibit hall.”

About Aerospace Tech Week

Aerospace Tech Week (ATW) is an event that has been expanding the technology sectors that it covers since its Avionics origins in 2001.  It synergistically covers Connectivity, Flight Ops iT, MRO iT, Testing, Space and Sustainability. ATW consists of multiple events, all under one roof, with dedicated conference tracks for its core technologies, as well as a large central exhibition.

ATW Americas offers an exclusive epicenter on the Americas’ developments for the commercial, defense and bizjet aerospace tech sectors. The annual show brings the latest technology developments in aircraft connectivity (air-to-ground and nose-to-tail), IoT, Big data, airline e-Enablement, flight operations software, fuel efficiency, weather data, MRO software, digital transformation, AI, M2M, regulatory, policy, technical SES and next-generation challenges for avionics, plus the testing systems that are used in the design, construction and maintenance of all commercial and military aircraft (both hardware and software).

About Deos

Deos is a safety-critical embedded RTOS that employs patented cache partitioning, memory pools, and safe scheduling to deliver higher CPU utilization than any other certifiable safety-critical COTS RTOS on multi-core processors. First certified to DO-178 DAL A in 1998, Deos provides certified conformant FACE OSS Safety Base and Safety Extended Profiles that feature hard real-time response, time and space partitioning, with support for Rate Monotonic, ARINC-653 and POSIX interfaces.

SafeMC technology extends Deos’ advanced capabilities to multiple cores, enabling developers of safety-critical systems to achieve best in class multi-core performance without compromising safety critical task response and guaranteed execution time. SafeMC employs a bound multiprocessing (BMP) extension of the symmetric multiprocessing architecture (SMP), safe scheduling, and cache partitioning to minimize cross-core contention and interference patterns that affect the performance, safety criticality and certifiability of multi-core systems. These features enable avionics systems developers to address issues that could impact the safety, performance and integrity of a software airborne system as specified by the Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST).

About DDC-I, Inc.

DDC-I, Inc. is a global supplier of real-time operating systems, software development tools, custom software development services, and legacy software system modernization solutions, with a primary focus on mission- and safety-critical applications. DDC-I’s customer base is an impressive “who’s who” in the commercial, military, aerospace, and safety-critical industries. DDC-I offers safety-critical real-time operating systems, compilers, integrated development environments and run-time systems for C, C++, and Ada application development. For more information regarding DDC-I products, contact DDC-I at 4545 E. Shea Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85028; phone (602) 275-7172; fax (602) 252-6054; e-mail or visit