This training is part of the BSP Porting Assistance Package. It is designed to help customers develop a Deos BSP that is certifiable for their custom hardware.

The Package Includes:

  • Read/Write license for the needed reference BSP source files delivered as a part of the porting assistance

  • If Deos Artifacts have been purchased by the customer, the consulting engineer may also assist in requirements, test definition, and provide example code and requirements templates.

  • Up to 80 Hours total of porting and training assistance by a DDC-I DO-178 certification experienced engineer to facilitate the fastest path to a successful port of Deos to a custom board, and confidence that the OS requirements from the PAL and Boot software are met.

• Building and integrating the referenced BSP

• Assistance in tailoring the referenced BSP to the customers unique requirements

• Hands on consultation on the software structure and flow of the software

• Assistance with setting up the development and debugging environment and its interface with the target hardware

• Training on the development and debug environment